Our Rightful Place

I couldn't be more grateful to the formidable Rosa Parks for remaining seated at the front of the bus. Still we as women, and particularly Black women, struggle to take our rightful place at the top tables. We struggle to have our value recognised regardless, of education, innovations, integrity and major achievements. One hundred and ten years after Mrs Parks birth, we are still channelling her courage to fight for equality. Yes, things have changed, but obstacles, resistance and fear of what we can achieve given the opportunities remain.

Black women are tired of lip service, box-ticking and BS. We will continue to lean in.

Sometimes I am an angry black woman, because I have the right to be. But let's be clear, I am no cliché. Anger is an energy drainer best channelled into success! You can't keep a good woman from taking her hard earned seat.

#blackwomeninbusiness #leadershipcoach #womenempowerment #blackfemaleleaders #civilrightsmovement #rosaparks


Changing the Way We Look At Leadership


Black life experiences being whitewashed is common place on both sides of the pond